Saturday, December 26, 2009

Preparation for the Impossible

Okay, maybe it's not so impossible. It seems more unlikely.

Unlikely that I - a habitual procrastinator and at times, downright lazy person- will be able to commit to something like this and see it through. My completion of this task also seems unlikely because I have so, so, so, SO many DVDs in my collection. At last count, (well, attempted count) I found well over seven hundred titles.


According to my MacBook's handy dandy calculator function, watching the estimated 750 movies in one year will involve 62.5 films each month.

I have a personal system of cataloging movies by genre. Sections are as follows:

-Tarantino (yes, he has his own section. Don't judge me.)
-Musicals/Plays on Film
-Television Shows
-Comedy/Raunchy Comedy
-Holiday Themed
-A Random Catch-All Category for everything else

The project will not include special features, feature commentaries, or any material on bonus discs. Each film watched will have a thorough review posted on this blog, including MPAA ratings, and the names of screenwriters, directors, and major actors.

It is my hope that through this experiment, I will learn more about movies and the people who make them. I hope to hear from you, movie buffs, especially if your reviews of a particular film are similar to, or radically different from mine.

It's going to be an interesting experience, of that I'm sure. I'll try to post names of each week's movies early, in case you plan on watching and reviewing along with me. I look forward to hearing from you!

Off in search of popcorn,

M. Hollywood

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